To all our loyal readers..... At this very moment I am and the heck do Jon and Kate plus 8 ever get through the day? Our life is a crazy life with just us plus 4! Anyway, I started my day yesterday trying to unload/load up the dishwasher and the little bubs just had to help me out.

Of course, I will appreciate it when they are older, the extra help that is, but this "type" of help was more comical for me than anything. They are into EVEYTHING!

We left early yesterday and headed out to Katy Mills mall. The girls had been asking to go eat at the Rainforest Cafe so we figured why not go and do a little school shopping. We had to go that way anyway for our nephew Adden's birthday party. While we were there we all decided to get our ears pierced. That's right, my baby girl, Kaeli, pierced her ears! She was so brave and is soooo cute now with her ears pierced.

Awwhh. Kaetlyn repierced one of her holes that had grown back. She was a bit afraid, but was a big girl too.
We later went over to Amy's house for Adden's party. He is 6 now and is growing up so fast too. We had alot of fun and we're all exhausted when we got home. It was a great day.